By investing in this blend, you'recontributing to the protection of critical ecosystems, empowering localcommunities, and championing the fight against biodiversity loss.
Together, we can make a global impact for athriving, biodiverse future. 🌎
🌍 GlobalBiodiversity Credit
Boosterra Global biodiversity Credit is alaignet with the UN Sustainable Development Goals andthe recently adopted Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.This provides renewed impetus for Goal 15, outlining four outcome- orientedgoals to be achieved by 2050 and 23 targets to be achieved by 2030.
Protecting Our Planet’s Biodiversity: ACall to Action 🌱(esetlegezt a részt már megcsinálni lenyitósra hogy ne legyen túl sok a szöveg)
Earth’s ecosystems are vital for life,supporting over half of the global economy and embodying immense cultural,spiritual, and economic value. At their heart is biodiversity—the incrediblevariety of life that keeps our planet thriving. Yet, this precious resource isunder severe threat from climate change, pollution, and habitat loss.
Between 2015 and 2019, a staggering 100million hectares of productive land were degraded annually, devastatinghabitats and affecting 1.3 billion people. Agricultural expansiondrives 90% of deforestation, destroying ecosystems that countlessspecies—and humanity—depend on.
Biodiversity isn’t just about wildlife; it’sthe foundation of clean air, water, and fertile soils. Protecting it isessential for both environmental stability and human well-being, especially intropical regions and developing countries where biodiversity is richest butmost at risk.
We must act now to preserve the web of lifethat sustains us all. Together, we can secure a thriving, biodiverse future forgenerations to come. 🌿✨
Biodiversity credits represent a standardized unit of positive biodiversity outcomes. They provide a tangible measure of the positive impact a company can make on nature through biodiversity conservation and restoration.
No, "voluntary biodiversity credits" are distinct from biodiversity offsets. While offsetting is a regulated practice, voluntary biodiversity credits focus on achieving nature-positive impacts beyond mere compensation. They offer an immediate way to enhance a company's impact profile and contribute positively to stakeholders. Biodiversity is highly complex and local, cannot be simply compensated. Therefore to stop and reverse nature loss urgently, companies need to take nature-positive immediate action.
Absolutely. Although biodiversity credits usually don't directly quantify CO2 equivalent units, the restoration and conservation efforts they support act as natural safeguards against climate change. These projects provide dual benefits by positively influencing both nature and climate.
Your company can benefit by demonstrating a commitment to nature-positive actions, enhancing its sustainability profile, and fostering positive stakeholder relationships. Biodiversity credits also offer a practical way to better align your business with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Integrating nature-positive impact in your business opens the door for product and service innovation, higher employee engagement, and help your business grow roots into the future of sustainable economy.
Boosterra specializes in providing high-integrity biocredits ready for business use and ESG reporting. As an independent platform, we empower companies to choose the most suitable portfolio for their nature targets. We offer guidance on best practices to seamlessly embed impact into business operations and enable effective communication with stakeholders.
After purchase, you will receive an impact certificate via email along with a data sheet for reporting purposes. We also value your feedback as it helps us continually improve our services.
Absolutely. We offer assistance in aligning your company's strategy with nature-positive impact, integrating biodiversity credits into your business model, and providing support for nature related reporting. Contact us now!