Impact profile


Rainforest area protected

20.000 m2

for 1 year

493 m2

for 30 years

Rainforest area protected

493 m2

for 30 years

Rainforest area protected

493 m2

Company's contribution

493 m2

Supporters' contribution


Excellent repair service means nature protection

EcoMobil's mission is to breathe new life into old devices by purchasing used phones and passing them on to those who need them the most. They ensure that your old phone doesn’t gather dust in a drawer but instead finds a new purpose, contributing to sustainability and helping others. EcoMobile now augments every purchase with nature-positive impact, contributing to the global 30x30 goal by protecting 30x30 cm rainforest for 30 years with every sales.

Conservation with indigenous people

Guarding primary rainforest with Indigenous groups

Savimbo's biodiversity credits are designed to provide an immediate conservation economy to smallfarmers and Indigenous groups guarding primary forest with intact populations of rare or endangered animals.

Each credit represents one hectare, of 100% conserved biodiversity in a biodiversity hotspot for two months with photo or video evidence.

long-term conservation

Conservation of biodiversity hotspot for 30 years

Terrasos works for the restoration and protection of highly threatened ecosystems throughout Habitat Banks.

El Globo Habitat Bank includes:
120 bird species (5 threatened, 2 endemic, 12 CITES)
21 mammal species (8 threatened, 5 endemic, 16 CITES)
154 plant species (10 threatened, 29 endemic, 71 CITES)

Impact certificates