biodiversity project

Boosterra original - Kis-Tisza project vision

The traditional lifestyle of the Hungarian Puszta is threatened due to desertification because of the climate crisis. The project of the Boosterra and Víz-Választók local community brings back the water to the landscape to preserve biodiversity and the unique traditional life-style of the local isolated small scale farmers.





Area size

8 ha

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$ 0.00 USD

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Boosterra original - Kis-Tisza project vision

In the Great Pains of Hungary the Tisza river flowed on its zigzag way with hundreds of curves for thousands of years. In the 19th century the river was regulated to prevent floods. Many lakes remained from the late river bed’s curves, where the birdlife flourished. Most of those lakes have dried up in the last decades. Meanwhile in the 21th century the agricultural methods and the climate crisis threatening the groundwater as well, even though the river is near the fields are arid.     

Near the village of Ópusztaszer local conservationists, farmers, ornithologists, water management experts, scientists founded a movement to bring back the water into their landscape. They called themself Vízválasztók (Double meaning: Water-choosers or Watershed) They have a scientifically grounded plan on how to use the water in a sustainable way supported by academics from the University of Szeged. 

The first step on their long route is to fill up a dried lake in Baks, next to the lake system of the Kiskunsági National Park. This ecosystem has a unique birdlife which has been photographed by a local celebrity Bence Máté, the most awarded WildLife photographer.   This wetland protection project set a good example for the neighboring local communities so they can get private funds to restore nature. 

In the area which is becoming half-desert industrial agriculture becomes less and less profitable as the land becomes futile. The local communities are losing people because many of them give up their lifestíle close to nature. To prevent the migration of young locals, the community sees the rewilding of some of their land as a solution. The traditional grassland ecosystem preserves water in the ground , so the other fields can be fruitful. As the rewilding project transforms the tillage to a grassland with local wildflowers, the local young people bring back the colors to the village.  

The types of the fruit trees are declining, some of the traditional types are so rare and almost extinct; the agro-biodiversity survives through gene banks, the zoo’s of the plants. Many of the plantation owners are giving up their work in the area of Ópusztaszer as well. A family wants to preserve local types and local culture in their plum plantation, which otherwise should be chopped-down. The Meseerdő (Fairy-Tale-Forest) project is focusing on showing the diversity of fruit trees, while an experienced story-teller tells ancient folktales to younger and older visitors. The area is next to the well visited center of Kiskunsági National Park.







Geospatial Intelligence



6. Clean Water and Sanitation

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

13. Climate Action

15. Life on Land

17. Partnerships for the Goals


GBF Targets

3: Conservation

4: Extinction

22: Solutions / Inclusion

2: Restoration

8: Climate change


Ecosystem Services



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Frequently asked questions.

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What are biodiversity credits?

Biodiversity credits represent a standardized unit of positive biodiversity outcomes. They provide a tangible measure of the positive impact a company can make on nature through biodiversity conservation and restoration.

Are these for offsetting?

No, "voluntary biodiversity credits" are distinct from biodiversity offsets. While offsetting is a regulated practice, voluntary biodiversity credits focus on achieving nature-positive impacts beyond mere compensation. They offer an immediate way to enhance a company's impact profile and contribute positively to stakeholders. Biodiversity is highly complex and local, cannot be simply compensated. Therefore to stop and reverse nature loss urgently, companies need to take nature-positive immediate action.

Can the projects also contribute to climate action?

Absolutely. Although biodiversity credits usually don't directly quantify CO2 equivalent units, the restoration and conservation efforts they support act as natural safeguards against climate change. These projects provide dual benefits by positively influencing both nature and climate.

How can my company benefit?

Your company can benefit by demonstrating a commitment to nature-positive actions, enhancing its sustainability profile, and fostering positive stakeholder relationships. Biodiversity credits also offer a practical way to better align your business with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Integrating nature-positive impact in your business opens the door for product and service innovation, higher employee engagement, and help your business grow roots into the future of sustainable economy.

Why choose Boosterra?

Boosterra specializes in providing high-integrity biocredits ready for business use and ESG reporting. As an independent platform, we empower companies to choose the most suitable portfolio for their nature targets. We offer guidance on best practices to seamlessly embed impact into business operations and enable effective communication with stakeholders.

What happens after purchase?

After purchase, you will receive an impact certificate via email along with a data sheet for reporting purposes. We also value your feedback as it helps us continually improve our services.

Can I get more help?

Absolutely. We offer assistance in aligning your company's strategy with nature-positive impact, integrating biodiversity credits into your business model, and providing support for nature related reporting. Contact us now!